2025 Memorial Trophies – Results

The 2025 Memorial Trophy Competitions took place on the 25th January at The Bridges, Monmouth and a very big thank you goes to Monmouth PC for hosting the event. The co-ordinators Keith and Lyn Sharples with the team of Monmouth members did a splendid job in doing all the background tasks involved in putting on the event. It was a major factor in having such a good time. The Bridges was a very comfortable venue to be in and thank you to their staff for the welcome and assistance on the day.

John Tilsley ARPS DPAGB APAGB was the judge for the day, and his communication on the work that he saw was spot on. You did not make it easy for him because, as he said, the quality of the images was clear to see. So thank you John for such a great commentary.

Bringing the competition together is a complex series of tasks and I thank Gerry O’Neill for shadowing me, Del Jones for fronting the day, Gareth Martin for the photos and David Lewis for transporting the equipment.

Another very big thank you to all the clubs that entered and to all the people attended.  Seeing you all there makes the effort worthwhile.

Congratulations to the winners of the competitions who were:
The Walter Morgan Trophy for PDIs – Bridgend and District CC
The Past Presidents Trophy for Colour Prints – Tenby and District CC
Gwyn Morgan Trophy for Monochrome Prints – Monmouth PC

All the scores can be seen by clicking the links below:
The Walter Morgan Trophy for PDIs
The Past Presidents Trophy for Colour Prints
Gwyn Morgan Trophy for Monochrome Prints

I hope you will all join us next year for the Memorial Day competitions, every club and member is welcome.

Dave Condon