WPF Conference – Saturday 31st August and Sunday 1st September, 2024, Heronston Hotel, Bridgend. CF35 5AW.
The Convention Brochure can be seen here.
Reserve tickets by emailing convention@thewpf.co.uk and pay by bank transfer to our account:
Name of Account Welsh Photographic Federation
Bank Name HSBC
Sort Code 401323
Account Number 12320800
Other forms of payment available if needed.
Please put your name or initials in the comment box together with ticket type (in BOLD below):
* Weekend (both Saturday & Sunday) WEND (£35)
* Day ticket (Saturday) SATD (£20)
* Day Ticket (Sunday) SUND (£20)
* Session Ticket (Saturday Morning) SATM (£15)
* Session Ticket (Saturday Afternoon) SATA (£15)
* Session Ticket (Sunday Morning) SUNM (£15)
* Session Ticket (Sunday Afternoon) SUNA (£15)
On the day / at the door purchase of tickets by cash only. Tickets will be issued on arrival at the Conference.