AWPF Distinction Award Rules


A very high standard of imaging that would be appropriate for National and International levels, demonstrating an understanding of what constitutes good photography, including camera technique, composition and design, presentation and finish and an empathy with the subject matter.

The WPF Distinction Award shall be known as the Associateship of the Welsh Photographic Federation and will be held for life. A holder will be entitled to insert the letters AWPF after his/her name. The distinction will be open to all.



1 Categories

There will be no classifications of subject matter.

2 Submissions

Panels for assessment will comprise of twelve prints or twelve digital images.

2.1 Prints

The twelve prints, in the form of a panel, may consist of black and white, or colour, or a mixture of both. Each print shall bear on its reverse side:

  • The applicants name and address
    · Club/Society
    · Image identification number (or letter). There is no need for a title.

Each print must be numbered to show the order in which the applicant wishes it to be presented. Please include a plan of how you would like the prints to be displayed. The prints may be displayed in two or three rows. No print including mount may exceed 50 x 40 cm. Please do not display your name on any images or the hanging plan.

Please include a memory stick, (which will be returned). of the images and panel layout. JPEGS 1600 wide x 1200 high sRGB.

Each memory stick must bear the name and address of the entrant, the name of the club/society and Federation.

2.2 Digital images

Projected images are assessed in the same way as a Print Panel but have to be viewed individually, Therefore, The Hanging Panel should be the first image shown, followed be the twelve individual images, then the last image is a copy of the hanging plan again 14 images in total. Please do not display your name on any images or the hanging plan.

JPEGs should be a maximum of 1600 pixels wide and 1200 pixels high in sRGB format. This will give a file size less than 2 megabyte. The memory stick will be retained for record purposes. Each memory stick must bear the name and address of the entrant, the name of the club/society and Federation.

The image will be projected using a calibrated projector:

2.3 General

1600 x 1200 pixels sRGB

Each applicant must submit a list including the applicant’s name and Club/Society and Federation and outlining the titles of the 12 image files in the format 1-TITLE, 2-TITLE etc. in the sequence they are to be displayed/or projected.

3 Assessors

There will be five assessors selected from the WPF/PAGB list of judges or persons of equivalent standing.

4 Timing and Fees

The date of each session will be announced at least two months beforehand. Application forms and a fee of £40* (Members of clubs affiliated to the WPF) or £50* (Non-members) per panel must be received by the specified closing date. It is probable that there will be only one session per year. Sessions will only proceed if a minimum of five panels are available for assessment.

A maximum of twenty-five panels will be assessed per session. The first twenty-five entries to be received will be accepted; excess entries will be returned to the applicants for submission to the next session, along with the fee. Once the maximum number of panels has been accepted, NO refunds will be made in the event of a withdrawal.

Panels must be delivered to the Distinctions Secretary at least TWO weeks before the date of the assessment. An entry form and fee may be submitted at any time after the WPF AGM in March.

*Re-submissions may be made at the same fee.

5 Return of Prints

If the applicants are present, they may collect their print panels at the end of the session. Alternatively, they must supply proper packing, labels and cost of postage for the return of their panels, or state arrangements for their collection in writing by emailing the distinctions Secretary.

6 Admission

Applicants may attend the adjudication session. The public will be allowed entry subject to a limit on numbers. Silence will be enforced during adjudication.

7 Guidance

In the event of a panel failing to gain the award, the Chair of the Assessors will announce a brief reason for failure. All will be notified in writing.

8 Certificates

A certificate will be given to each successful applicant, signed by the President. The distinction AWPF will take effect immediately the Assessors approve it. Certificates will be given to successful applicants on the day of the assessment.  If the successful candidate does not attend the assessment day, they will be posted with returned images.

9 Care of Entries

Whilst every care will be taken by the WPF to protect entry panels in their care, no responsibility can be accepted for damage.

Distinctions Secretary

Welsh Photographic Federation February 2022