WPF Convention 2023 – Advanced Notice

The Dates of the WPF Convention 2023 are Saturday 2nd September and Sunday 3rd September.
Formal Proceedings will start at 10 am on both days and are expected to finish at around 4 pm.

The Venue will be the Heronston Hotel, Ewenny Road, Bridgend. CF35 5AW https://www.bw-heronstonhotel.co.uk/
We will use the large Conference room on the first floor. (It will be on your right if you take the lift, or if taking the stairs, turn right and it will be on your left.)

Tickets will be issued by the WPF Treasurer – please email him for payment details using treasurer@thewpf.co.uk
An “Early Bird Weekend” ticket will be available during the whole of July (only) and priced at £30 for the 2 days.
A “Standard Day” ticket for any single day will be £17 and available through the whole of July and August.
Subject to availability, a “Door Day” ticket for a single day may be bought at the Heronston on Friday, Saturday and Sunday 1st to 3rd of September. The “Door Day” ticket will be £20 and payment strictly by cash.

Accommodation and Residential arrangements are at the entire discretion of the individual Convention Delegate. The present B&B rates for the Heronston are £105 per room per night single occupancy and £125 per room per night with double occupancy. (Please indicate you are a WPF Delegate if booking with them).
Parking availability at the Heronston is reasonable and there is no charge.
Other Hotels and Commercial B&B premises are available within easy reach by car. We would recommend early reservations as the South Wales Heritage Coast area can get heavily booked.

Food and Drink are at the total discretion of individual Delegates who are also responsible to advise of any food allergies or similar issues Eg., Vegan, Vegetarian, Non-gluten etc. Tea and Coffee are included during the mid-morning and mid-afternoon session breaks.
Restaurant and Bar Snack menus are available for food during the day or you may bring your own for consumption within the Conference room or the outside seating areas of the Hotel.
In addition we are trying to arrange a “Convention Lunch menu” and “Convention Dinner menu” for the Saturday and a Snack Lunch for the Sunday. Details when finalised.

CONFERENCE BROCHURE – Schedules and Presenters
The Conference Brochure with details of this Year’s Presenters and Schedules will be issued shortly. You may request a personal copy by email from convention@thewpf.co.uk
Or when published, download direct from the WPF website http://mywpf.org/
Or the WPF Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/629089590565661

David D Jones – WPF Conventions officer