Meritorious Awards

What is Meritorious Service?
The HonFWPF Award is in recognition of individual members of clubs within the Welsh Photographic Federation (WPF) who have given many years of meritorious service. You will find a list of members who have achieved this Award below.

The person nominated should have displayed meritorious service for a period of at least 10 to 20 years or more.

The Nominee shall have served as a presenter, judge or key member of the WPF Executive or club within the Federation.  In the latter case the Nominee should have held a major post in that club over the prescribed period. It is the quality and value of that service that is paramount.

The Nominator and Nominee must be members of clubs affiliated to the WPF.  Nominations must be made on the WPF Nomination Form. It must be accompanied by the following:

  1. Citation – it should state why the nominee is regarded with such esteem and give an outline of how it has benefited fellow Club members. Good works outside the Federation can also be included if it promotes the Art of Photography. Personal photographic achievement is not evaluated.
  2. Record of Service – This should be a chronological list of judging or lecturing or other appointments or posts or activities undertaken by the Nominee.
  3. Referees – The Nominator must supply the names of two Affiliated Club members who know the Nominee personally and can vouch for the Citation and Record of Service as being true. References MAY be taken up by the Awards Sub-Committee and should NOT be sent by the Nominator.
  4. Confidentiality – The Nomination is to remain confidential. Failure to carry this out will result in the automatic refusal of the Award.
  5. Timescale – Nominations will need to be submitted to the Meritorious Awards Officer by 1st January in any year.

This award is for unstinting and significant service to the Federation via the Executive Committee, Clubs and Welsh photography in general.

The Nominee will probably have served as a presenter or judge, or as a key member of a Club Committee or as the principal organiser of an event at Federation, National or International level over a period of 10 or more years. However, it is not sufficient simply to have served for a long period of time – quality and value of service are the deciding factors.

In very exceptional circumstances, service to a single club will be considered on the merits of the case.

Any member of a Federated club can make a nomination on the form to be found here.  Together with the Nomination Form, a Citation, detailing the nature and impact of the nominee’s service, and a Record of Service, showing the dates and duration of positions held by the nominee, must be included in the submission.  Two referees must be available to attest to the accuracy and validity of the nomination and their names must be included on the Nomination Form.

Nominations must be made by 1-Jan each year to enable the necessary work to be undertaken by the WPF Executive Committee in time for any successful nomination to be announced at the Federation’s AGM in early March.  It is essential that any nomination be kept strictly confidential until the presentation of any award.  The completed documents must be sent to the Awards Secretary at .

List of Members who have received this Award (Hon. FWPF)
In 1994 the first Honorary FWPF was awarded.  This award is for unstinting and significant service to the Federation via the Executive Committee, clubs and Welsh photography in general.

1 Eric Taylor
2 Bob Watkins
3 Derek Rodway
4 Ainsley Stewart-Jones
5 Brynmor Evans
6 Phillip Davies
7 Pat Reynolds
8 Kevin Thomas FRPS
9 David Hunt
10 Roy Thomas APAGB
11 Philippa Wood AWPF
12 Linda Baldwin
13 Jan Cawley EFIAP/s APAGB
14 Mike Lewis
15 Brian Coleman AFIAP AWPF APAGB
16 Ed Cloutman EFIAP
17 Leigh Woolford DPAGB, EFIAP, AWPF, BPE3*

The APAGB is a similar award for service to the PAGB.
List of APAGBs
1 Walter Hammond – President  64-66
2 Eric Taylor – President 1973-75
3 Brynmor Evans – President 1983-85
4 G. John – President 1987-89
5 Roy Thomas – Twice President 1991-93 and 2007-2009
6 G. Howells – President 1995-96
7 H Andrews 1984
8 J H K Harrison
9 John Harvey
10 John  A Hayward – President 1979-81
11 Hans Hoyer
12 Jeremy Owen
13 G. Smith – 1986
14 R. Watkins
15 Fred Watts
16 Miss M Wilson
17 Pat Reynolds – Twice President 1981-83 and 1993-95
18 Jan Cawley – President 2013-2015
19 Brian Coleman – President  2011-2013