This is a guide to finishing off your photograph and give judges as little as possible to complain about! It is not about composition, or light or even subject matter. That is all up to you! But it should help you to spot niggly things that lose you marks. I am far from an expert at using Photoshop (PS) so most of the remarks here require only a basic knowledge and skill which can be learnt with practise and the help of your fellow club members.
This is only a guide – a list to jog your memory and you will have to interpret the solutions to suit your picture. Below are a set of useful check-boxes which may be of help – before you make your final print/image for presentation.
Note that for Wildlife and Travel you will need to abide by the latest rules for these sections. However, remember that wildlife and travel images may be submitted and altered in the Open section.
You can download the form HERE ,which covers subjects like cropping, subject, background, technical faults and presentation, with tick boxes you can use to help reduce errors.