Results of the 2024 Barrian Cup

We’ve received this from Barry Camera Club….

Thank  you so much for all your entries into the Barrian Cup this year.  The feedback I have received has shown it to be another very successful year, which is due to your involvement and support of this event.  As a Club we treasure that support and the opportunity to meet with old and new friends, thank you.

I have attached the results from which you will see it was a very close run thing this year with one point separating 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.  I am sure you will support me in offering huge congratulations to:

  • Tenby & District as the Overall Winners of the Barrian Cup 
  • Neil Holman of Afan Nedd for his “Storm Brian at Sunrise” winning the Dave Cowdrey Trophy (Best Landscape & Seascape image)
  • Roger Daniel of Bridgend & District for his “Moorland Horses” winning the Mike Lewis Trophy (Best Image in the Competition)

Thank you to everyone who took part and I hope you will consider joining us again next year for our 27th Barrian Cup Competition 2025.

Hope you all enjoy your summer break. Take care and very best wishes from all the team at Barry Camera Club.

Pat Hollis,
Competition Secretary,
Barry Camera Club.

Important Notice about email scams

Watch out for those tired old ‘substitution’ email scams, they are doing the rounds again.

What happens is that you get an email from someone pretending to be an officer of your club or your Federation and they are asking you for some kind of help, financial of course. The latest one targetted our Federation President.

Note, emails are not being hacked. They just pretend to be someone else by covering up the actual send email. The latest emails came from but a name familiar to you is being used to disguise that bit.

Report all such emails by forwarding them to:

Alyn Wallace

Many of you will have heard the incredibly sad news of the passing of Alyn Wallace.

Alyn, originally from Pontypridd spoke to many PF clubs and his talks were a treat. Always memorable and awe inspiring. Such dedication to a craft is rare. We cannot believe he has gone at such a young age. Our thoughts go out to his family and friends.

His family has released the following statement:

Continue reading “Alyn Wallace”

75th Midland Salon of Photography

The 75th Midland Malon, organised by the Midland Counties Photographic Federation is open for entry. It has PSA, FIAP, GPU & PAGB patronage and you may enter prints & projected images.

There are over 200 awards and low entry fees – only pay for sections you enter and all entrants receive an A4, 68-page colour catalogue.

There are six sections:
Open monochrome prints.
Open colour prints.
Open colour projected images.
Open monochrome projected images.
Nature projected images.
Scapes projected images.

The online entry system is now open at

Closing date 24th June 2024.

2024 AWPF Workshop & Assessment Dates

The workshop will take place on the 4th of May 2024 at the Cynon Valley Museum in Aberdare.  The workshop is open to everyone and not just AWPF applicants so if you would like to come along please contact Paul James for further information.

The AWPF assessment day will take place on the 3rd of November 2024 at Talbot Green.  Details will be released closer to the date.

For any other information regarding the AWPF please feel free to contact Paul at the email address above.