WPF Conference – Book Now

WPF Conference – Saturday 31st August and Sunday 1st September, 2024, Heronston Hotel, Bridgend. CF35 5AW. The Convention Brochure can be seen here.

Reserve tickets by emailing convention@thewpf.co.uk and pay by bank transfer to our account:

Name  of Account  Welsh Photographic Federation
Bank Name  HSBC
Sort Code  401323
Account Number  12320800

Other forms of payment available if needed.

Please put your name or initials in the comment box together with ticket type (in BOLD below):

* Weekend  (both Saturday & Sunday) WEND (£35)
* Day ticket  (Saturday) SATD (£20)
* Day Ticket (Sunday) SUND (£20)
* Session Ticket (Saturday Morning) SATM (£15)
* Session Ticket (Saturday Afternoon) SATA (£15)
* Session Ticket (Sunday Morning) SUNM (£15)
* Session Ticket (Sunday Afternoon) SUNA (£15)

On the day / at the door purchase of tickets by cash only. Tickets will be issued on arrival at the Conference.

It’s That Man Again!

The WPF Convention Trophy Shield has been reclaimed by Dennis Russ for the fifth time. Dennis also won 4 packs of printing papers donated by Fotospeed.

Dennis’ print was selected by Bill Ward, one of the guest speakers at the Convention. Thanks to Jeff Howe for the photo below.

Lampeter Convention becomes Carmarthen Conference

The WPF Lampeter Convention is moving to a new venue and has become the WPF Carmarthen Conference.

The new venue is The Halliwell Centre, University of Wales, Trinity St David, College Road, Carmarthen. SA31 3EP.

This year’s dates are Friday 24th to Sunday 26th August 2018. Full weekend (2 nights and 2 days inc. Friday & conference dinner) is just £170. Saturday & Sunday (1 night and 2 days inc. conference dinner) is £120. Day visitors £40 (Conference Dinner £21 supplement).

More information about the location, speakers and events can be seen here.

Lampeter Convention – 2016

The Convention took place over the weekend of the 2nd to 4th of September at Trinity College, Lampeter. It was attended by 58 delegates from across South and West Wales who were entertained by 4 incredibly talented Photographers.

Putting this together with a number of trade stands, good company and good food made for a fabulous weekend.

If you didn’t attend you missed something special!

You can see photos from the event and details of the speakers here.