The Memorial Day Competitions 2024

Entry now closed….

The Memorial Day Competitions will take place on Sunday 18th February 2024. All Clubs are invited to enter and the competitions are as follows:

Past Presidents Trophy (4 colour prints)
Entry form:     PDF     Word Doc

Gwyn Morgan Trophy (4 Monochrome prints):
Entry Form     PDF     Word Doc

Walter Morgan Trophy ( 4 PDIs):
Entry Form     PDF     Word Doc

The entry rules can be found here.

Closing date for entries is 10 February 2024

PDI Entries should be sent to by 10th February.

Print entries must be brought to Talbot Green on 18th February before 9.15am.

Competition Entry is £20.00 (which is for entry into all the trophies). The preferred method of payment is by Bank Transfer (details in rules). Any queries and entry forms are to be sent to

2023 Memorial Trophy Results (Corrected)

Here are the results of the 3 Memorial Trophy competitions that made up an entertaining day at New Quay!

The Gwyn Morgan Trophy was won by Bridgend & Dist. CC – Results Here Note, the results of the Gwyn Morgan Trophy were corrected on 21st February.

The Past Presidents’ Trophy was won jointly by Afan Nedd CC and Bridgend & Dist. CC – Results Here

The Walter Morgan Trophy was won by Tenby & Dist. CC – Results Here

Big thanks must go to the members of the New Quay Camera Club who looked after us so well on the day and to the members of the WPF Executive that came along and helped carry out the slightly modified sequence and kept everybody’s spirits up! But especially to our Judge for the day John Tilsley who whilst on his feet all day gave us an excellent appraisal of all the images and kept the audience in rapt attention throughout – Thanks John!

Bridgend Market Exhibition – the detail sheets will show that in the mono competition 6 Clubs will be exhibited (24 prints) and in the colour print competition 23 prints will be exhibited (Those scoring 17 or more points).

Results from the 2022 Memorial Trophies

Sunday was a great show of Welsh photography, the range and quality shown was quite remarkable – 21 Clubs took part and up to 80 members attended the Zoom Event; we never had that response pre-COVID. I see great hopes for the future once this pandemic is put to bed.

My special thanks must go to our outstanding Judge Leo Rich who spent the afternoon commenting on 168 images without missing a beat and those comments were always positive and detailed – quite a “Tour de Force” – thanks a bunch Leo I’m sure everyone enjoyed the afternoon listening to you whilst viewing the images – Brilliant!

The Gwyn Morgan Trophy for Mono PDIs was won by Tenby CC who will receive the Trophy. There were also 3 Ribbons awarded to images scoring 20: –
Tenby CC Dave Bolton Face to Face 20
Baglan Bay CC Marian Dixon The Flying Wing 20
Abertawe CC Jeff Driscoll Mermaid 20

The Walter Morgan Trophy for Colour PDIs was won jointly by Gwynfa CC & Rhondda CC both of whom will receive a Trophy! There were also 8 Ribbons awarded to images scoring 20: –
Gwynfa CC Gwynfryn Jones Beauty in the Catacombs 20
Rhondda CC David Norton Still Raining 20
Rhondda CC Brian Merry I Nailed It 20
Gwynfa CC Glenn Porter Freestyle Kayaking 20
Bridgend CC David Hopes Safe Landing 20
Cardigan PC Dyfed James Four Spotted Chaser 20
Cwmbran CC Dave Kitson Oystercatchers Mating 20
Rhondda CC Mal Durbin F15 at Dusk 20

Here are the detailed results for your delectation!

The Gwyn Morgan Trophy Results
The Walter Morgan Trophy Results

My personal congratulations to all who took part and to those winning Clubs and those who had Ribbons for their images. Well Done!!

Now onward and upward to the Ace of Clubs competition. The closing date is the 30th January with judging on the 20th January. Entries are already coming in and I look forward to another big Event!

Roy Thomas /

2021 Memorial Trophy Results

Please find attached the various reports of the Covid 19 Memorial Trophy competition which were judged this afternoon by Eddy Lane ARPS DPAGB EFIAP who did a great job!

Congratulations go to Bridgend & District CC for winning the mono event and Baglan Bay PS for winning the colour event – well done! Also, congratulations to those who won the individual awards (see below).

Colour Trophy

  1. Baglan Bay (78 points)
  2. Gwynfa (77 points)
  3. RPC (76 points)

Best colour image: “Look mean boys, he’s got a camera..” by Carl Jones, RPC

Mono Trophy

  1. Bridgend (77 points)
  2. Gwynfa (75 points)
  3. Cardiff, Gwent, RPC & Tenby & (all on 73 points)

Best mono image: “In Reflective Thought” by David Hopes of Bridgend & District CC

All scoresheets below:

Covid 19 Memorial Colour Trophy Results
Covid 19 Memorial Colour Trophy (Spreadsheet)
Covid 19 Memorial Colour Trophy Results Detail

Covid-19 Memorial Mono Trophy Results
Covid-19 Memorial Mono Trophy (Spreadsheet)
Covid-19 Memorial Mono Trophy Results Detail

Amended Result from the WFP Memorial Trophy

The 2018 WPF Memorial Trophy for Colour Prints.

1st – Inn Focus Group
2nd – Gwynfa

Scores here.

Judges: Rod Wheelans MPAGB MFIAP FIPF HonPAGB HonSPF and Anne Greiner MPAGB.

Revised result – Tenby and District Camera Club have informed the Executive that one of the images they entered in the Memorial Trophy had been accepted in last year’s Welsh Salon and was therefore not eligible for the Memorial Trophy. Tenby won the competition and notified us of this error a few days later stating they wished to withdraw the image from the Competition. Consequently, Inn Focus, originally second, are now the winners of the WPF Memorial Trophy 2018 and all other clubs move up one place.

The WPF Executive thank Tenby and District Camera Club for bringing this genuine error to our attention. The Executive will revise the rules for future competitions to try to ensure that this mistake doesn’t occur again.

Results from the Gwyn Morgan Trophy

The Gwyn Morgan Trophy for Open PDI’s

1st – Tenby and District Camera Club
2nd – Inn Focus Group
3rd – Cwmbran

Scores here.

Judges: Gordon Jenkins APAGB. President of the PAGB and Richard Speirs DPAGB, APAGB.