Please find attached the various reports of the Covid 19 Memorial Trophy competition which were judged this afternoon by Eddy Lane ARPS DPAGB EFIAP who did a great job!
Congratulations go to Bridgend & District CC for winning the mono event and Baglan Bay PS for winning the colour event – well done! Also, congratulations to those who won the individual awards (see below).
Colour Trophy
- Baglan Bay (78 points)
- Gwynfa (77 points)
- RPC (76 points)
Best colour image: “Look mean boys, he’s got a camera..” by Carl Jones, RPC
Mono Trophy
- Bridgend (77 points)
- Gwynfa (75 points)
- Cardiff, Gwent, RPC & Tenby & (all on 73 points)
Best mono image: “In Reflective Thought” by David Hopes of Bridgend & District CC
All scoresheets below:
Covid 19 Memorial Colour Trophy Results
Covid 19 Memorial Colour Trophy (Spreadsheet)
Covid 19 Memorial Colour Trophy Results Detail
Covid-19 Memorial Mono Trophy Results
Covid-19 Memorial Mono Trophy (Spreadsheet)
Covid-19 Memorial Mono Trophy Results Detail