Life Membership for Martin

Aberystwyth Camera club are pleased to announce that Martin Hursthouse has been made a “Life Member” in recognition of the dedication and various roles he has undertaken which include Treasurer, Secretary, and External Competition secretary. However his influence extends far beyond those roles and his warm friendly nature and support for both the club and members
has been and will remain very much appreciated.

Martin is well known in many clubs through his years as secretary and I’m sure would join us in congratulations and A very big thankyou from us all at Aberystwyth.

WPF Conference – Book Now

WPF Conference – Saturday 31st August and Sunday 1st September, 2024, Heronston Hotel, Bridgend. CF35 5AW. The Convention Brochure can be seen here.

Reserve tickets by emailing and pay by bank transfer to our account:

Name  of Account  Welsh Photographic Federation
Bank Name  HSBC
Sort Code  401323
Account Number  12320800

Other forms of payment available if needed.

Please put your name or initials in the comment box together with ticket type (in BOLD below):

* Weekend  (both Saturday & Sunday) WEND (£35)
* Day ticket  (Saturday) SATD (£20)
* Day Ticket (Sunday) SUND (£20)
* Session Ticket (Saturday Morning) SATM (£15)
* Session Ticket (Saturday Afternoon) SATA (£15)
* Session Ticket (Sunday Morning) SUNM (£15)
* Session Ticket (Sunday Afternoon) SUNA (£15)

On the day / at the door purchase of tickets by cash only. Tickets will be issued on arrival at the Conference.

Vince Penticost AWPF FWPF

We are very sad to report the passing of Vince Penticost who passed away peacefully in his sleep on the morning of July 10th. He will be sadly missed.

Vince was a well-respected club member who was well known across the camera clubs of South Wales as a presenter and judge.

He served as chairman of Western Valley Camera Club for a total of 23 years (1997-99, 2002-2007, 2009-2021 and 2024).

He also served on the WPF Committee and was President between 2015 and 2017 and as Past President until 2019.

He was particularly known for his sense of fun and good humour. The author of this post particularly remembers him coming to Gwynfa to judge a ‘match-a-slide’ competition dressed in his full referee kit, complete with yellow and red cards.

We’ll let you have the funeral arrangements when we know them.

Results of the 2024 Interfed Exhibition

Here are the Results from the Interfed Competition for The Welsh Federation.

Colour Print Section – The WPF finished 7th with 175pts.
Accepted into the Exhibition were:
Jayne Libby of Afan Nedd with her print Enpointe.
Christine Tidman Gwynfa, with Snow Queen
David Hopes Bridgend with Weightlifter.

Mono Print Section – The WPF finished 9th with 168pts
Acceptance into Exhibition was Rob Evans of Bridgend with his print ‘Looking Up and Looking Down.

Nature Print Section – The WPF finished 10th with 176 pts
Accepted into the Exhibition was Nick Craddock of The Vale with his print Great Spotted Woodpecker in Flight.

Congratulations to all of you.

I would like to thank everyone whose prints were entered; all the prints will be picked up in July.

Jenny Hibbert