Cwm Rhondda Battle Live on YouTube

The Rhondda Camera Club is pleased to confirm details for the forthcoming “Cwm Rhondda Battle” on Saturday, 18th November, commencing at 15:00 GMT. There will be clubs competing from U.K, Ireland, Canada and South Africa.

The judge will be Roger Parry ARPS, EFIAP, MPAGB, Hon PAGB.

The competition is an exclusively online event and can seen live on YouTube at this location.

You can also watch it later if you aren’t able to watch live.

FIAP Congratulations

Congratulations to David L Edwards for gaining his EFIAP/g and to Sue Carter, Elisa Best, Rhordri Phillips and Annette O’Connell for gaining their AFIAP Distinctions.

Cliff Emery
Fiap Distinctions Officer

Thanks Cliff

Huge thanks to Cliff Emery who is standing is standing down as Welsh Salon Chairman. Cliff has worked hard to ensure the success of the salon over many years and all his efforts are very much appreciated by the Federation, its Clubs and its members. Cheers Cliff!

John Surridge is taking over the role of Salon Chairman for 2024.

It’s That Man Again!

The WPF Convention Trophy Shield has been reclaimed by Dennis Russ for the fifth time. Dennis also won 4 packs of printing papers donated by Fotospeed.

Dennis’ print was selected by Bill Ward, one of the guest speakers at the Convention. Thanks to Jeff Howe for the photo below.

Important Notice about email scams

Watch out for those tired old ‘substitution’ email scams, they are doing the rounds again.

What happens is that you get an email from someone pretending to be an officer of your club or your Federation and they are asking you for some kind of help, financial of course. The latest one targetted our Federation President.

Note, emails are not being hacked. They just pretend to be someone else by covering up the actual send email. The latest emails came from but a name familiar to you is being used to disguise that bit.

Report all such emails by forwarding them to: