Ron Lines recently published some advice in the WPF Facebook Group for any WPF members thinking about going for any of the FIAP Distinctions so we thought we’d reproduce it here.
Does anyone have a completed FIAP distinction application? I’ll be closing the books for this year’s applications soon.
Note; the next FIAP applications will be in August 2024 and require will be increasing. AFIAP will need 40 acceptances from 8 countries gained in 15 different salons with 15 different works and from 2024 must include 4 acceptances in print. EFIAP the next level will now require as from 2024, a further 8 print acceptances.
Please note salons have to send a report file which can take up to 3 months to FIAP and then FIAP need to add it to their computer records. I then need to acquire those records so any salons results you’ve recently received will not be processed until around December.
Here is some advice on pursuing FIAP distinctions:
When you send your images to FIAP Patronage or approved salons be very careful that they are genuine FIAP salons. Accreditation is easily checked by visiting the FIAP patronage site.
Always record the salon number. For example, this year’s numbers will look like 2023/089, next year’s 2024/089. This number is vital so carefully record it alongside your acceptances in that Salon.
Make sure all you images titles are consistent and correct. For example, “sunrise over Ebbw Vale Topaz copy 2” is not a good title. Nor is “Sunrise ove Ebb Vole”. Once an image is accepted into a salon, the name you have chosen has to remain with it for the rest of its life! So, if you got a gold medal with “Sunrise over Ebbw Vale Topaz copy 2” you must keep that title for all future use. (If its just an acceptance perhaps you could lose it to a much better title of that image). So be precise; “Dunlin Chicks in Snow” and “Dunlin with chicks in snow” would lose you an acceptance.
Ensure you record all your acceptances and awards very carefully. Do it straight away so that in 8 months time you aren’t searching your computer trying to find them. Also keep an image record of all your accepted images so I can see them when you submit your application.
Also remember, when applying for a distinction, you also have to submit 5 large images that have 3 acceptances or more from different salons. They must be 3600 pixels on the longest side so never delete the larger versions of your images.
If you have entered or are thinking of entering FIAP salons, why not try for these distinctions and gain some letters after your name. If you need any further advice – ask me!
Ron Lines
FIAP Liaison Officer for the WPF