Inn Focus Win 2011 Premier League

Inn Focus have won the South Wales Premier League for Photography by defeating Bargoed by 265 points to 259. It was a close contest excellently judged by Les Loosemoore with superb images on show throughout the evening. It ended Bargoed’s run of winning the title for the past three seasons. Tom Dee of Inn Focus said ‘following on from our Salon results this puts the icing on the cake for us’.

Congratulation to Ian Ledgard

Ian Ledgard has gained a Galaxy 1 Award in the PSA Colour Projected Image Division. The qualifying requirements being at least 363 acceptances with 121 different images. Ian is the first person from Wales to gain a Galaxy in any PSA Division. Well done!

W.I.P.I.S. Acceptances & Awards 2010

There were over 15,500 photographs entered in the 2010 Welsh Interntional Projected Images Salon with just over 3241 being accepted, 248 of them from members of W.P.F. clubs.

Congratulations if you were one of the successful entrants as standards were very high and a lot of extremely good photographs narrowly missed out. So if you didn’t get an acceptance, don’t be discouraged. Try again next year.

A rolling slideshow of all the Winning & Commended photographs can be seen below as can a full lists of acceptances and awards. (Click on “continue reading” below).

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