The South Wales region of the Royal Photographic Society are holding an event in Talbot Green on the 10th June 2018. Admission is £8 RPS Members £10 non members.
The venue is Talbot Green Community Centre, Clos Springfield, Talbot Green, Pontyclun CF72 8FE. Door open at 9:30am for a 10:00am start. Refreshments & Biscuits are free but please bring your own lunch. Permajet are donating raffle prizes for the day.
The morning presenter, 10am to 1pm is Joan Blease MPAGB, FBPE, EFIAL/b, photographer & digital Artist. Joan has an artist’s eye and has loved drawing and painting for as long as she can remember. In 2007 she bought her first SLR camera and a copy of photoshop, then set about learning them both. She quickly became known for blurring the boundaries of where painting and photography meet. She has gained numerous top awards in exhibitions and Competitions both in the UK and internationally. Her workshops sell out quickly and her on-line tutorials are very popular as they encourage people to push their own personal boundaries. Joan is a Permajet ambassador & presenter. She will show both prints & PDI and her talk will include a break for refreshments. . Website here.
The afternoon presenter from 2pm to 4pm is Les Loosemore ARPS-DPAGB-AWPF with a new presentation.Les is well known in the local region for his panels of work.
We hope you will decide to join us for the day.
Dennis Russ (Events Coordinator RPS South Wales Region).