Tony Leadbitter

We have received this sad news from the Vale.

It is with great sadness that I must inform you of the death yesterday of our most senior member, Tony Leadbitter. Tony has been a keen and active supporter of the club for longer than I have recollection. His devotion to photography has been clear for all to see. He gave great encouragement to all members no matter what their ability and areas of interest. I was one of many who benefited from that when I first joined. His devotion endured despite failing faculties in recent years.

Mike Baker has asked me to pass on these words:- “In the thirty odd years that I have lived in the area, Tony has been a constant photographic friend through much of that time and I am grateful for his introduction to the group of like minded individuals in the Vale Photographic Club, through which I have made many new friends.

He also worked as photographer for the Gem during his retirement, happy to use his skills for the good of the community.

Tony shared our passion for photography as long as was humanly possible as members will be well aware. In his time, he was also a judge and I remember his comments on my early work within the Club giving pointers for improving my work which I appreciated and valued as a bit of a camera ‘Rookie’ at the time.

He will be missed by all who knew him. Tony, R.I.P. ”

Gerald Harbour (Chairman, The Vale Photographic Club).










His funeral will be held at Bridgend Crematorium on Friday Dec 4th at 1.45pm. Friends are invited to attend.