Bristol Salon – Entries Deadline Approaches

The 2024 Bristol Salon of Photography closing date for entries is 28 January 2024.

There are approximately 300 Medals and Ribbons to be awarded plus FIAP Blue Badge for Best Entrant. They also continue to support print workers with 3 Print and 3 Projected Image Sections: (Open Colour, Open Monochrome, Nature) and low entry fees and discounts for club/group entries.Email Salon Chairman at for details

On-line entry system:

More details:

The Photography Show at the NEC

The Photography & Video Show will be held at the NEC from the 16th to the 19th of March 2024.

Discounted tickets are available to members of PAGB affiliated Clubs. Use discount code PAGBTPS24. This will give 20% off the standard advance ticket rate. This offer will expire at midnight on 14 March. Tickets can be purchased via The Ticket Factory here.

PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit – The PAGB will once again have a team of experts at the show to look at your Prints or PDI which you are considering for an application for our Awards for Photographic Merit. If you are interested, please email giving your name, club, federation, what APM level you already have and what level you want to be advised for, which day you are attending and if you prefer a morning or afternoon 1:1 appointment.

FIAP Congratulations

Congratulations to David L Edwards for gaining his EFIAP/g and to Sue Carter, Elisa Best, Rhordri Phillips and Annette O’Connell for gaining their AFIAP Distinctions.

Cliff Emery
Fiap Distinctions Officer