PSA News

PSA members in Wales have been quietly working away towards gaining PSA awards by entering PSA recognised Exhibitions.  This involves a pathway of star, galaxy and diamond acceptances. Thus far in 2023 the following members have achieved these awards listed below:-

Mike Bray  4 stars in Mono
David Edwards Galaxy 4 in Nature
Paul James  5 stars in Mono and Galaxies 2 and 3 in colour
Ian Ledgard  Galaxy 9 in Mono and Galaxy 7 in Photo Travel
Hazel Price  2 stars in colour
Kevin Robertson  First star in Photojournalism.

Well done everybody and keep working towards your next targets.

If WPF members are interested in pursuing PSA recognition then I will be happy to explain the system. For those who have FIAP acceptances these will qualify for PSA as long as that exhibition also had PSA recognition.

Ian Ledgard, GMPSA/b

FIAP Biennial Results

I was thrilled when I received the WPF results from the FIAP Colour Biennial, held in Greece.

We did so well to achieve 2 Medals; a FIAP Silver Medal to Tom Dee from Afan Nedd, with “Cuddles in the Coal Bunker” and a HPS Gold Medal for the Best Journalism to David Hopes from Bridgend & District camera club for “Number 18 Being Chased”. Congratulations to them both.

The WPF report card can be seen here.

Thanks to everyone who sent images, this is very much appreciated.

Jenny Hibbert

PSA Salon News

A number of PSA members in the WPF have been accumulating acceptances and awards in International Exhibitions recognised by the Photographic Society of America. Modesty prevents many from broadcasting their successes.

Hot off the press news are the results of the Golden Tiger Circuit in Malaysia where Gary Shinner had 27 acceptances with 6 awards including a Gold medal  and Ian Ledgard 18 acceptances with 3 awards including a Gold medal.

There may be other WPF members who entered this Exhibition who have also had success but we will not know until the catalogue is published.

I hope that this will encourage more WPF photographers to enter PSA recognised exhibitions and raise the profile of Welsh photography. I am happy to assist  and answer questions for any who may be interested to do so.

Ian Ledgard, GMPSA/b
PSA Membership Director for Wales

WPF Entries for PAGB Inter-Fed 2023

This year’s PAGB Inter-Federation Competition is, again, for prints only and our entries have been chosen from submissions to the Memorial Competitions and the Welsh Salon, together with photographs sent directly to Jenny Hibbert, who chose the majority of our entries. The lists of entries can be found below.

Colour          Mono         Nature

Congratulations to all the photographers whose work has been selected to represent the Federation. Now we await the adjudication which takes place over the weekend of 3 & 4 June. Watch this space!


Tenby & Gwynfa represent the WPF at Warwick

Well done to Tenby and Gwynfa who made the journey to Warwick to represent the WPF in the National Inter-Club PDI Championships.

In the WPF grudge match, Tenby finished the Plate competition in joint 5th (15th overall) place on 103 points and Gwynfa just two points behind in joint 10th place (20th overall). Of the North Wales clubs, Mold finished joint 15th (25th overall) and Rhyl joint 22nd (32nd oveall)

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